Luz María


My family did not have money to feed my siblings and me, much less give us an education, and my mother suffers from the chronic mental illness, schizophrenia.  Along with my brother and sister, I arrived at Hogar Infantil when I was nine years old and going into third grade.

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I consider being part of Hogar a blessing because it was there I was able to get not only primary and secondary education, but also a career. Because of so many generous people, I was able to finish a medical degree as a general practitioner, and I have been practicing medicine for the past ten years. Eight years ago, I met my husband, an extraordinary man who is 23 years my senior. Three years ago, we were given a beautiful daughter, which will be our only child because I am no longer able to have children due to health issues. Today I am a happy, healthy person with a stable family and fulfilling career. I have such deep gratitude for the donors, staff, and volunteers who helped me achieve this dream.

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