Activities & Special Events
At Hogar there are wide open spaces and plenty of opportunities for exercise and fun. There are basketball hoops, volleyball nets, swings, slides and all they playmates they could ask for!
On weekends parents or other family members often visit. Except for extreme cases of abuse or neglect, we greatly encourage family involvement. In fact, many children leave Hogar to visit their families during school vacations, provided that the home is safe.
Celebrations are important at Hogar Infantil. They connect our young people to the broader culture and help bond the Hogar community. We have two main celebrations, one in December to celebrate the holiday, and the other in the summer celebrating a quinceañeras, which is a culturally important rite of passage in Mexico to honor a girl’s 15th birthday. The children get dressed up, put on plays, musical numbers and perform dances. It’s a great time for donors and volunteers to visit! Volunteers and donors make these important celebrations possible.
spiritual guidance
While Hogar is a non-denominational organization, we do teach basic Christian values. However, our aim is not to convert children to any particular religious ideology. Rather, we encourage spirituality while respecting the child’s individual thoughts and family’s religious background. We have a small non-denominational chapel onsite and also transport children to church on Sunday if they wish to go.